Hillary & Clinton



A comedy about power, politics and marriage

March 14 & 15 @ Tara Theatre


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Every Brilliant Thing

2020 Dates to be confirmed

(Watch this space)
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September to December 2018

Inspired by an iconic Indian tale this play celebrates the everyday heroism of quietly believing in your dreams, even as life takes over. Taramandal is about you and me, about our irrepressible desire to be appreciated and recognized.
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Espresso Sho(r)ts

November 2015

Based on conversations (over)heard in London's coffee shops, Aks created five vignettes which characterized modern relationships in the City. The team created the smells and the sounds of a coffee shop in a cozy 50-seater theatre to make it a more authentic experience.

The Glass Office

November 2015

The real drama of office politics comes to life when a nervous job-seeker approaches an organisation for a job interview. Replete with the horrible boss, the hard-working employee, and their homely secretary, this is an edgy workplace comedy.

Night of January 16

June 2014

A site-specific, immersive courtroom drama by Ayn Rand set in the 1930s. Two barristers fight it out in a court case, where the audience is the jury, and determines the final verdict at the end of the performance - each night is guaranteed to be different.

Romantic Fools

November 2013 & February 2014

UK Premiere of Rich Orloff's laugh-out-loud, boy-meets-girl-meets-boy comedy that you can't help but fall in love with! Nadya & James bring this two-hander to life which starts with the eternal question: what do women (and men) actually want?

Pride & Pantyhose

March 2013

Happy Women's Day! A collage of short plays that celebrate the challenges and triumphs of being a woman. Through dramatic monologues and conversation pieces, women across ages and attitudes get together, get even and get going.

Come As You Were

November 2012

A bold and visual performance that explores the relationships between five best friends from school when they meet ten years later. The clever use of flashback on stage transports you to your childhood and refreshes long lost memories...some best forgotten...
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Winter Cocktail

February 2012

A fabulous Hindi play served in a completely fresh and creative style, with 2 short English plays on (each) side. Garnished with a liberal dash of humour and sarcasm, this is an unforgettable evening of theatre, lightly handling the complex issue of existentialism.


July 2011

A Neil Simon classic. Replete with scandal and sarcasm, this play is a farce on high society glamour, pretentious politics and the inevitable philanderers of the upper crust who expertly craft, exchange and spread rumours. Love 'em or hate 'em, you can’t ignore 'em.

Call Me Ishmael

July 2010

A BBC award-winning script by a young Pakistani playwright, this play explores loneliness through Adam's (and Ishmael's) battle with Dissociative Identity Disorder in a series of conversations with his psychiatrist, Ehlana.

Caught In The Net

February 2010

Cooney's hilarious comedy about a London cabbie in a bit of a twist – with two wives, shunting from Wimbledon to Stratford (and back). A quick repartee to our maiden production, Aks's first comedy was created within four months while we were still basking in the afterglow.
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30 Days in September

September 2009

Original Indian writing, this is a sensitive portrayal of the much-hushed subject of child sexual abuse. The play has a strong feminist voice that reflects the ugly side of the issue but also introduces a positive male character to challenge the stereotype of men solely as perpetrators. A family drama of hidden secrets, fragile relationships and a mother's love.
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